Alternative Cannabinoids
Alternative Cannabinoids

What Are Alternative Cannabinoids

Alternative cannabinoids are substances discovered in the HEMP plant that are not delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There are other alternative cannabinoids that have been identified and explored for their potential effects, despite the fact that THC is the main psychoactive substance that gives consumers the "high" feeling.
Some of the most well-known alternative cannabinoids include 11-Hydroxy-ThC (HXY11), Tetrahydrocannabioctyl (THCjd), and Hydeox4phc (PHc). These compounds are all derived from the HEMP plant. Read on to learn more about these Alt-Noids!
What is HXY 11 THC?
What is HXY 11 THC?

What is HXY 11 THC?

When delta-9 THC, the most frequently associated with marijuana, is broken down in the human body, it generates a chemically related compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. Being a metabolite of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) is a psychoactive compound.

HXY 11 THC acts on the same receptors as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but it has a significantly lower affinity for those receptors. This means that when you take HXY 11 THC, it doesn't have as much of an effect on your body and brain as THC.


Is 11-Hydroxy-THC Psychoactive?

Yes, it is psychoactive. 11-Hydroxy THC is more bioavailable than delta 9 THC because it is already partially metabolized, making you feel high faster and at lower doses.


What's the Difference Between HXY 11 and Delta 11?

The main difference between HXY 11 and Delta 11 is that HXY 11 is more potent. However, both cannabinoids are very similar regarding low physical and mental side effects, making them extremely versatile.

What Kinds of Hydroxy 11 Products Exist?

The most common 11-Hydroxy THC products are vape liquids, gummies, and tinctures.

Is HXY 11 THC legal?

Public access to 11-hydroxy-Delta 9 THC (HXY 11 THC) is allowed. Like all other non-delta 9 THC cannabinoids, HXY 11 THC complies with the 2018 Farm Bill, making it federally legal.

What is PHc?
What is PHc?

What is PHc?

PHC, which stands for Hydrox4phc, is one type of cannabinoid-based on the chemical compound Delta 9 acetate. Since PHC is manufactured, it doesn't occur naturally in the HEMP plant like other cannabinoids. Also, please remember that simply being synthetic does not mean it is a lab-created chemical compound; it only means scientists are extracting it from naturally occurring substances.

For those of you looking for a new experience, this is one that you will love! The power will have you floating in a sea of euphoria and bliss. It is advisable to start off small and build up your tolerance because of its potency.

 How is the PHC High?

When ingested, the average time people experience the effects of PHC is eight hours. However, it is important to note that the high lasts longer for some people. The partially-hydrogenated molecule is believed to break down at a slower rate, hence the long-lasting effects.


Does PHC Makes You High?

Yes, PHC is psychoactive and will make you high.

Is PHC Stronger Than Delta 9?

Although the chemical structure of PHC is similar to that of Delta 9, it has a much higher concentration of THC. This means that the high will be more intense and longer lasting when you consume it.

How is PHC Made?

The compound is an organic chemical made from hemp. It doesn't exist in nature but can be extracted from high-CBD plants. The compound's creation process is similar to the process by which Delta 8 or 10 are created.

What is THCh?
What is THCh?

What is THCh?

Since its discovery in 2020, THCh has become a major source of interest in the medical marijuana community. THCh and THCp are two new cannabinoids recently discovered by Italian researchers. These cannabinoids are the most powerful forms of THC because they offer strong psychoactive effects. They are believed to generate a stronger high than any other form of THC.

Although THCh is found in smaller concentrations in the hemp plant, it can be extracted more easily from hemp. THCh is a powerful cannabinoid that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Due to its potency, it should only be used with caution.

Is THCh Stronger Than THC?

Unlike the THC found in cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol-H (THCh) is an all-natural, legal alternative to pure THC. THCh carries all of the effects and benefits of regular THC.


What are Some of the Effects of THCh?

THC-H is one of the most recent discoveries in HEMP. You will experience relaxation and a strong mental and physical buzz with THC-H.

What are the Differences Between Delta 9 and THCh?

THCh and Delta 9 are both cannabinoids found in marijuana. Both produce euphoric effects, but federally, THCh is legal, and Delta 9 is not.

What's the Difference Between CBD and THCh?

While CBD and THCh are similar in some ways, they differ in a few key areas. The biggest difference is that CBD doesn't produce any psychoactive effects like THC-H or Delta 9.

What is THCp?
What is THCp?

What is THCp?

THCp is a form of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. It's also known as 10-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol or THCp. THCp is more potent than regular THC: it has a cannabinoid concentration of 80% or more, compared to regular THC's 30%. That means you'll experience stronger effects from this cannabinoid, and it can have some serious side effects!

Like delta 9 THC, THCP is psychoactive, although its effects are likely stronger. Its longer side chain (seven carbon atoms compared to the five found in THC) allows it to bind more readily with CB1 and CB2 receptors which means it could deliver a stronger physiological response

Will THCp Get Me High?

Will THCp Get Me High?

There is currently very little research on marijuana's cannabinoid THCp, but we can speculate based on research on THC.

Researchers concluded that THCp had a thirty-three times higher affinity for CB1 receptors than THC. This means users will likely experience more euphoria from smaller doses of THCp than with THC.

THCp Prouducts

What Are Some of the Effects of THCp?

While THC-P remains an infant cannabinoid, consumers have experienced various effects from using this compound. Effects include a relaxed state and a heavy mental and physical high.

What is THCjd?
What is THCjd?

What is THCjd?

THCjd is a type of cannabinoid that contains eight carbon atoms on its molecular chain. Its main chemical structure differs from the primary psychoactive form of THC (Delta 9 THC) by three additional carbon atoms. The slightly different chemical makeup can produce different effects from those of Delta-9-THC.

The additional atoms help make THCjd more potent than Delta-9-THC, suggesting a stronger interaction with endocannabinoid receptors in the body. However, this is unfounded as of yet and remains purely speculative.

What Effects Does THCjd Have?

What Effects Does THCjd Have?

Unlike the THC found in cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol-H (THCh) is an all-natural, legal alternative to pure THC. THCh carries all of the effects and benefits of regular THC.


Is THCjd Legal?

THCJD is derived from the HEMP plant, but it's not associated with the psychotropic high caused by THC, making many marijuana-based compounds illegal. At this moment in time, THCJd products are legal.

How Is THCjd Made?

THC-JD is found naturally in the hemp plant. One hundred thirteen cannabinoids exist naturally in the hemp plant, and we are only learning about them now. Using liquid chromatography, the most common way of isolating THCjd happens in a lab.

Learn About Other Cannabinoids

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